This is the third blogpost in our series highlighting key findings from the Child Care Subsidy Expansion Impact Study. First Five Nebraska led this study in collaboration with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, as well as other researchers and child...
Tag: child care subsidy
State senators begin work on bills impacting children and families
The 109th legislative session is in full swing! State senators have introduced nearly 730 bills and constitutional amendments. Although the Governor has the authority to introduce legislation at any point during a session, with the hundreds of pieces of legislation...
Spotlight on child care providers: Impact of Income Eligibility Expansion of the Child Care Subsidy Program in Nebraska
Research is a critical resource for policymakers to understand complex issues facing Nebraska children and families. For early childhood public policy, one such complex issue is the Child Care Subsidy program. At First Five Nebraska, we recently led a study on the...
New cost estimation tool examines cost of providing quality child care
The Nebraska Child Care Cost Model, a new tool developed in collaboration with First Five Nebraska and Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies (P5FS), examines how the expense of delivering high-quality child care services relates to the actual revenue earned by providers....
LB856 would increase child care worker recruitment and retention
State Senator John Fredrickson, representing District 20 in central west Omaha, introduced LB856, which excludes all earned and unearned income for child care subsidy applications if the applicant or household member is self-employed at a licensed child care program...
First Five Nebraska leads impact study on child care subsidy eligibility changes
At First Five Nebraska, we value public policy that is grounded in research. It informs which policies we support. We stay apprised of research in the early childhood field to be a resource for policymakers in Nebraska. And we pursue research projects like The Bottom...
FFN testifies at hearings for interim studies LR266, LR378
First Five Nebraska’s Data and Policy Researcher Dr. Katie Bass testified at two hearings before the Nebraska Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee on Oct. 7. The hearings were for interim study resolutions LR266 and LR378, both introduced by State Senator...
Why we map federal poverty guidelines for Nebraska
It’s one thing to know that a significant portion of Nebraska’s youngest children begin their lives in households facing serious financial challenges. It’s another thing to see how those children are distributed across our state’s legislative districts. This week,...
Report: Setting child care subsidy reimbursement rates
What are Nebraska’s options for compensating providers more fairly for participating in the child care subsidy program?
FFN to work on 5 legislative interim studies
First Five Nebraska will work with state senators on five interim studies this year. Interim studies, conducted annually after the Legislature adjourns its session sine die, give senators and legislative committees the opportunity to delve deeper into topics of policy...
LB485 signed into law; expands eligibility for child care subsidy
More Nebraska families with young children will benefit from the state’s Child Care Subsidy program as a result of LB485, which Governor Pete Ricketts signed into law yesterday. Introduced by State Senator Wendy DeBoer, LB485 loosens the state’s household income...
Nebraska Legislature: 2020 early childhood policy highlights
The 106th Nebraska Legislature adjourned sine die August 13. Here's an overview and summary of bills affecting early childhood policy from this year's session.