Strategic Engagement
Raising capable, successful and healthy children is about more than good parenting. It’s about changing the way we collectively think, talk and make decisions to support children’s early development—even when they’re not our own kids.
Changing the public conversation about early childhood
First Five Nebraska keeps you engaged and informed about childhood policies and initiatives that impact all Nebraskans. We spark the conversation about early childhood through strategic engagement of policymakers, business and economic leaders, early childhood professionals and families in communities across Nebraska. By changing the conversation, we can effect change in our neighborhoods, workplaces, communities and state. Our strategic engagement efforts include:
- Elevating understanding about the impact of early childhood care and learning programs on economic growth and community vitality.
- Providing early childhood expertise and guidance to Nebraska business, industry and economic development interests.
- Providing actionable resources and technical assistance to business and community stakeholders ready to create change in their communities.
- Facilitating supportive relationships between local businesses and early childhood providers and programs to support Nebraska families, communities and businesses.
Messaging Campaigns
We use strategic messaging to build an honest and well-informed conversation about the importance of early childhood. Below are some examples of our recent campaigns.
Meet Your Future
Strong, vibrant communities and a productive future workforce are rooted in the skills and capabilities children begin to acquire in the earliest years of life. In 2013, First Five Nebraska launched Meet Your Future, inviting audiences to learn what role today’s children will play in growing Nebraska’s prosperity and quality of life just a few short decades from now. The campaign envisions this generation’s Nebraska children as the next generation of doctors, lawyers and other skilled professionals. Combining broadcast and social media messaging with a statewide reach, Meet Your Future helps early childhood champions build a lively and engaging conversation in their communities. Learn More
My Nebraska Story
Every family, business and community in Nebraska has a story—and the availability of quality child care affects how those stories unfold. My Nebraska Story offers a robust library of video, social media and print resources designed to help advocates engage business leaders and other stakeholders on the role child care plays in attracting and anchoring working parents and families in Nebraska communities, creating the talent pool our state needs to thrive. Visit the campaign website
Featured Publications
State senators begin work on bills impacting children and families
The 109th legislative session is in full swing! State senators have introduced nearly 730 bills and constitutional amendments. Although the Governor has the authority to introduce legislation at any point during a session, with the hundreds of pieces of legislation...
Spotlight on child care providers: Impact of Income Eligibility Expansion of the Child Care Subsidy Program in Nebraska
Research is a critical resource for policymakers to understand complex issues facing Nebraska children and families. For early childhood public policy, one such complex issue is the Child Care Subsidy program. At First Five Nebraska, we recently led a study on the...
Public awareness campaign launches to educate Nebraskans about new child care tax credits
First Five Nebraska (FFN) today kicked off a public education campaign promoting the Child Care Tax Credit and School Readiness Tax Credit. The refundable and nonrefundable child care tax credits are designed to help address key challenges facing child care providers...
Governor’s Ag & Economic Development Summit highlights child care crisis
Child care was featured alongside housing in a panel discussion and was the subject of one of four Action Hour conversations at the 2024 Governor’s Ag & Economic Development Summit in Kearney on August 8. The lack of available child care throughout Nebraska...
New cost estimation tool examines cost of providing quality child care
The Nebraska Child Care Cost Model, a new tool developed in collaboration with First Five Nebraska and Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies (P5FS), examines how the expense of delivering high-quality child care services relates to the actual revenue earned by providers....
LB856 would increase child care worker recruitment and retention
State Senator John Fredrickson, representing District 20 in central west Omaha, introduced LB856, which excludes all earned and unearned income for child care subsidy applications if the applicant or household member is self-employed at a licensed child care program...