
“Some of the biggest public policy challenges we face in the Legislature are rooted in the years before children reach kindergarten. It’s in our own best interest to give children as strong a start as possible so we can reduce what we need to spend to address social, educational and economic problems later on when they’re a heavier burden on Nebraskans.”

Former State Senator John Stinner, Nebraska Legislative District 48

Making the best use of our public resources

Every year, Nebraska’s policymakers are asked to address the most urgent issues facing our state with limited resources. That includes the needs of corrections and law enforcement, public education, health care, social services and other systems that promote the safety and quality of life Nebraska offers its citizens. Investing in young children is a proven way to make the most efficient and accountable use of public dollars by preparing them to succeed in school and become healthy, productive members of society.

Policymakers lead the way

Nebraska’s elected and appointed officials have been crucial in making our state a national model for far-sighted, fiscally responsible public policies in support of early childhood care and education. But there is more work to be done at the legislative, administrative and local levels of government. Your leadership in these conversations is key to helping us align public systems, coordinate resources and strengthen the accountability of publicly supported programs and initiatives serving young children and their families.

Benefits of quality early learning

Studies show high-quality early childhood programs prevent or reduce costly societal problems that increase stress on overburdened public systems. Benefits of quality early learning for young children include:

  • Improved school readiness and academic achievement—offsetting the costs of special education and school dropout
  • Positive social behaviors and emotional self-regulation—reducing public expenses associated with crime and incarceration later in life
  • Stronger social-economic mobility—breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty and increasing the self-sufficiency of our citizens

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Elizabeth Lopez Everett
Elizabeth Lopez Everett

Deputy Director, Public Policy Manager

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