Members of the Nebraska Early Childhood Policy Leadership Academy (PLA) Class 6 spent the day at the Nebraska Capitol February 5th engaging with their State Senators. Their focus? Advocating for key bills and policies that impact maternal health and child care—two...
Category: Policy & Legislation
Spotlight on national trends: Impact of Income Eligibility Expansion of the Child Care Subsidy Program in Nebraska
This is the third blogpost in our series highlighting key findings from the Child Care Subsidy Expansion Impact Study. First Five Nebraska led this study in collaboration with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, as well as other researchers and child...
Spotlight on program enrollment: Impact of Income Eligibility Expansion of the Child Care Subsidy Program in Nebraska
This is the second blogpost in our series highlighting key findings from the Child Care Subsidy Expansion Impact Study. First Five Nebraska led this study in collaboration with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, as well as other researchers and...
State Senators convene their 2025 legislative session
Today marks the first day of the 109th Nebraska Legislature, First Session. This session will be 90 days and the Second Session next year will be 60 days. This morning new state senators were sworn in, committee chairs and the Speaker were elected by secret ballot and...
Impacto de la Expansión de Subsidios para Guarderías en Nebraska
La investigación es clave para los legisladores para entender los problemas complejos que enfrentan los niños y las familias de Nebraska. Un tema complejo en las políticas públicas para el cuidado infantil es el programa de Subsidio para Guarderías. En First Five...
Spotlight on child care providers: Impact of Income Eligibility Expansion of the Child Care Subsidy Program in Nebraska
Research is a critical resource for policymakers to understand complex issues facing Nebraska children and families. For early childhood public policy, one such complex issue is the Child Care Subsidy program. At First Five Nebraska, we recently led a study on the...
Public awareness campaign launches to educate Nebraskans about new child care tax credits
First Five Nebraska (FFN) today kicked off a public education campaign promoting the Child Care Tax Credit and School Readiness Tax Credit. The refundable and nonrefundable child care tax credits are designed to help address key challenges facing child care providers...
State releases 2024 report on Severe Maternal Morbidity (2017-2021)
The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NDHHS) has released its report on Nebraska Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) based on SMM data from 2017 to 2021. Cases of SMM, defined as “unexpected outcomes of labor and delivery that result in significant short-...
DOL final Overtime Rule could affect child care providers
Editor’s note: Several child care providers and programs have reached out to First Five Nebraska about the upcoming changes to the U.S. Department of Labor’s wage and hour regulations. Because many employees in the child care industry work long hours to meet the needs...
Mejorar el acceso, asequibilidad y estabilidad del cuidado infantil del Fondo de Desarrollo y Cuidado Infantil (CCDF)
Recursos Resumen tematico de FFN: Mejorar el acceso, la asequibilidad y las estabilidad del cuidado infantil en el Fondo de Desarrollo y Cuidado Infantil (CCDF) [PDF descarga] Diapositivas de la llamada Zoom de FFN sobre el borrador del plan estatal del CCDF [PDF...
Improving child care access, affordability and stability in the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)
Resources FFN Issue Brief: Improving Child Care Access, Affordability and Stability in the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) [PDF Download] Presentation Slides: FFN Webinar on the Proposed CCDF State Plan [PDF Download] FFN Webinar Video: 2024 Child Care and...
New cost estimation tool examines cost of providing quality child care
The Nebraska Child Care Cost Model, a new tool developed in collaboration with First Five Nebraska and Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies (P5FS), examines how the expense of delivering high-quality child care services relates to the actual revenue earned by providers....