Child care was featured alongside housing in a panel discussion and was the subject of one of four Action Hour conversations at the 2024 Governor’s Ag & Economic Development Summit in Kearney on August 8. The lack of available child care throughout Nebraska...
Category: Families
State releases 2024 report on Severe Maternal Morbidity (2017-2021)
The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NDHHS) has released its report on Nebraska Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) based on SMM data from 2017 to 2021. Cases of SMM, defined as “unexpected outcomes of labor and delivery that result in significant short-...
Fiscal analysis of Nebraska’s child care cost model is available in English, Spanish
New on First Five Nebraska's website are English and Spanish versions of the fiscal analysis for Nebraska’s Child Care Cost Model. The analysis outlines development of the cost model, which began in 2020 with an advisory workgroup comprised of child care providers and...
Mejorar el acceso, asequibilidad y estabilidad del cuidado infantil del Fondo de Desarrollo y Cuidado Infantil (CCDF)
Recursos Resumen tematico de FFN: Mejorar el acceso, la asequibilidad y las estabilidad del cuidado infantil en el Fondo de Desarrollo y Cuidado Infantil (CCDF) [PDF descarga] Diapositivas de la llamada Zoom de FFN sobre el borrador del plan estatal del CCDF [PDF...
Nebraska Legislature adjourns with significant gains for early childhood
The Nebraska Legislature adjourned sine die Thursday, April 18, ending this year’s 60-day session. First Five Nebraska was fortunate to work with state senators and Governor Pillen to introduce and pass several pieces of early childhood legislation that will...
More Nebraska families will benefit from $2.5 million for home visiting programs
More Nebraska families with young children will gain access to home visiting services thanks to $2.5 million allocated in the state budget bill, LB1412, which Governor Pillen signed into law on April 2. The budget was amended to include additional funding for...
‘Micro-centers’ could build supply of child care in Nebraska
The shortage of child care, particularly in Nebraska’s rural areas and under-resourced communities, is well documented. But what is less well known is that the problem is exacerbated by scale. Child care settings that enroll 12 or fewer children, licensed as Family...
LB856 would increase child care worker recruitment and retention
State Senator John Fredrickson, representing District 20 in central west Omaha, introduced LB856, which excludes all earned and unearned income for child care subsidy applications if the applicant or household member is self-employed at a licensed child care program...
FFN 2024 priority legislation focuses on child care, maternal health, literacy, home visiting
The Second Session of the 108th Nebraska Legislature convened January 3 for a 60-day session. In his State of the State address to lawmakers, Governor Pillen prioritized property taxes, regulatory barriers and affordable housing, and also emphasized the importance of...
LR251: Apprenticeships offer new pathways to enter the early childhood workforce
Apprenticeship programs are emerging as a viable recruitment and retention tool for the early childhood workforce. First Five Nebraska thanks State Senator Robert Dover (District 19) for introducing LR251, an interim study looking at how apprenticeships could be used...
Maternal care deserts result in adverse outcomes for Nebraska mothers and babies
The Nebraska Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee heard testimony on LR154, introduced by State Senator Jen Day (District 49) to examine maternal care deserts in Nebraska and to highlight this critical issue in our state. State senators heard how...
State Senator Eliot Bostar receives Nebraska Early Childhood Policy Champion award
State Senator Eliot Bostar (District 29) is the inaugural recipient of the Nebraska Early Childhood Policy Champion Award at a presentation ceremony at the State Capitol. The award was founded this year by First Five Nebraska and will be presented annually to...