Providing child care can be challenging, especially when children come from varied economic backgrounds and home environments. Research shows that children’s experiences during their first five years profoundly affect social, emotional and cognitive skill formation, and healthy life outcomes.
Beginning July 1, there will be a new resource to support Nebraska child care and early learning providers in the critically important work of creating quality early experiences for young children to help ensure that they enter kindergarten with the skills they need to succeed.
Step Up to Quality will be available for any Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services-licensed child care program that wants to participate. A number of programs are eager to participate. Why? Because participants receive many resources and benefits, among them:
- Coaching and technical assistance.
- Scholarships for staff to access college coursework.
- Quality incentive bonuses when moving from Step Two or higher.
- Higher child care subsidy payments.
Additionally, there are great bragging rights for participating programs that earn their way up the steps. What a wonderful marketing opportunity to tell potential families about the Step Three, Four or Five program available for their kiddos!
The debut of Step Up to Quality is great news for Nebraska’s youngest citizens, their parents, the providers who care for them and Nebraska taxpayers. Detailed information about this new program, which is the result of passage of LB507 during the past Nebraska legislative session, is available from the Nebraska Department of Education.
Keep reading our blog and newsletter for more stories about Step Up to Quality, including interviews with participating programs, benefits to parents, children and taxpayers, plus updates on the implementation progress.