Senators begin work on interim studies

by | May 10, 2018

The second session of the 105th Nebraska Legislature adjourned sine die April 18. Over the summer, Senators and their staff will work on interim study resolutions. This session, 108 interim study resolutions were introduced by senators and committees. After introduction, they’re assigned to a committee and each Committee Chair prioritizes the studies and determines if there will be public hearings. For Senators, these interim studies are an opportunity to analyze a concept in-depth and potentially use the information to develop legislation for next session.

We’ve identified a list of interim studies with potential to affect early childhood. For a complete list of interim studies introduced this session, please visit the Nebraska Legislature website.

As always, First Five Nebraska will remain vigilant and provide any information regarding the progress or results of the interim studies.

2018 Interim Studies

LR357 was introduced by Senator Kolowski. This interim study will analyze early childhood education in Nebraska and potential methods that could help ensure universal access to high-quality early childhood education.

LR362 was introduced by Senator Groene to study issues within the jurisdiction of the Education Committee.

LR372 was introduced by Senator Baker to study school violence and identify ways state government can support communities and school districts in their efforts to create safe school environments.

LR377 was introduced by Senator Lowe. This study will look at the policies and procedures of the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center-Kearney and the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center-Geneva, and find ways to improve safety and security standards.

LR379 was introduced by Senator Kuehn and will study the potential impact of revising the Industrial Relations Act by including the property tax base of the employer as part of the criteria to determine working conditions for noncertified or noninstructional school employees.

LR381 was introduced by Senator Hilgers to examine whether to include financial literacy and entrepreneurship as part of the academic content standards adopted by the Nebraska State Board of Education.

LR389 was introduced by Senator Bolz. This interim study will analyze potential legislative opportunities to help encourage economic development and growth in Nebraska.

LR392 was introduced by Senator Hansen to examine neighborhood problems and find potential opportunities to promote safe, inclusive and strong neighborhoods.

LR393 was introduced by Senator Walz. The study will examine delinquent or unpaid school meal accounts in Nebraska. It also will analyze school policies regarding unpaid school meal accounts and determine how these polices affect students and their families.

LR402 was introduced by Senator Halloran to study granting local school boards authority to allow school employees to carry concealed handguns on school grounds.

LR418 was introduced by Senator Howard to study racial and ethnic inequalities in Nebraska’s foster care and juvenile justice systems.

LR419 was introduced by Senator Howard to examine the term “shaken baby syndrome” as it exists in Nebraska statutes.

LR420 was introduced by Senator Riepe. It will study possible collaboration between the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the Nebraska Department of Education to address behavioral or mental health issues for students.

LR428 was introduced by Senator Pansing Brooks to examine the potential impact of including micro-credentialing in Nebraska.

LR429 was introduced by Senator Pansing Brooks to examine the role of school resource officers in public schools.

LR430 was introduced by Senator Bolz. It will study the federal Family First Prevention Services Act of 2017 and its implementation in Nebraska.

LR433 was introduced by Senator Hansen and will analyze the availability of affordable housing in Nebraska.

LR434 was introduced by Senator Linehan to study the structure and financing for K-12 education.

LR438 was introduced by Senator Walz. This interim study will examine the benefits of establishing an educational trust fund and the impact it would have on limiting funding through the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act (TEEOSA) formula.

LR439 was introduced by Senator Walz to study implementation of LB276, which allows schools to request Medicaid reimbursement for services delivered to Medicaid-eligible special education students.

LR447 was introduced by Senator Morfeld and will examine security measures to ensure safety in schools.

LR451 was introduced by Senator Bolz. It will analyze the work of the Nebraska Children’s Commission and determine whether the commission should continue or be revised.

LR452 was introduced by Senator Vargas. This interim study will evaluate alternative teacher certification programs.

LR456 was introduced by Senator Vargas to analyze the Student Discipline Act and examine how schools implement this legislation.

LR457 was introduced by Senator Vargas to study financial resources that exist to support first-generation students as they pursue higher education.

LR459 was introduced by Senator Briese. The purpose of this study is to create legislation to ensure no person with a disability will be discriminated against and have parental rights taken away because of the disability.

LR460 was introduced by Senator Briese. Its purpose is to create legislation to ensure no person with a disability will be discriminated against when he/she is being considered as an adoptive or foster parent.

LR467 was introduced by Senator Wayne to analyze the Nebraska Juvenile Code.

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