Who will I rely on to fix my car twenty years from now? Who will provide my health care? Manage the business I started? Help monitor my retirement funds? Teach my grandkids? Keep my neighborhood and community safe?
There are a lot of questions we can’t answer about the future, but one thing is sure. Today’s youngest kids will play an important role in our own lives—and the lives of those important to us—within a few short decades.
In 2014, First Five Nebraska decided to focus on this idea by developing a new messaging campaign called Meet Your Future. While many early childhood awareness campaigns reflect on long-term outcomes we want for children, this new messaging effort invited its audience to imagine the important role these children will play in our own futures. Whether or not we enable young children to start off well affects more than their own life trajectories. It will directly influence our own quality of life when those children take their place as capable, self-sufficient and contributing members of society.
Not long after we launched Meet Your Future through social media and special event displays, we found its message resonated powerfully with broad array of audiences and interests—business and industry leaders, law enforcement officials, medical professionals, educators, policymakers and others. By 2017, we decided it was time to take the campaign to the next level.
Last August, we sat down with Clark Creative Group, the agency who helped develop First Five Nebraska’s organizational brand, to plan the next phase of the campaign. In October, armed with final scripts and a talented video crew, we met with four incredible kids, their parents and local acting talent for a full day of filming at a studio in east Omaha. Clark Creative’s team worked miracles with lighting, set design and post-production video effects—and had fun clowning around with the kids through the entire video shoot. Every smile and giggle we captured that day was a genuine one.
Early in January, our new Meet Your Future video PSAs began airing on television stations and social media statewide. We think the new spots strike exactly the light-hearted and optimistic (yet practical) tone we had in mind since the campaign’s inception. We hope you agree.
The best part is, we’re just getting started. In the months ahead, we plan to bring more Nebraska businesses, professional agencies and civic organizations on board as active partners in the expanding campaign. If you or your organization would like updates on Meet Your Future and how to be involved, be sure to subscribe to First Five Nebraska’s newsletter, visit our website or email us.
View our four new Meet Your Future PSAs