First Five Nebraska and allied early childhood organizations presented the state's federal delegates with a series of policy proposals intended to extend financial lifelines to keep more child care providers viable as the COVID-19 epidemic tightens its hold on the state and national economies. The letter comes as a complement to a separate set of policy proposals delivered last week to state agency leaders at the Nebraska Departments of Education, Health and Human Services and Labor.
The proposals include extending unemployment benefits to providers who find it necessary to suspend services indefinitely and disaster grant funding to allow certain programs to meet their operating costs while they remain open.
“We are going to need every quality child care owner, program operator and educator to have a pathway to remain in this profession if we hope to stabilize and recover from the current public health emergency,” said Elizabeth Everett, senior policy associate at First Five Nebraska. “That means putting financial lifelines in place and streamlining regulations so more providers can rebuild and strengthen this critical industry in our state.”
Also included in the recommendations to federal delegates:
- Offer supplemental financial supports to providers serving parents who work in frontline roles and other jobs that are critical to civic and economic infrastructure.
- Automatically qualify providers for mortgage forbearance, rent deferrals and assistance for utility and insurance payments for three to six months
- Increased federal funding to better enable the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to offer more flexibility in income eligibility for subsidized care.
- Make all members of the child care workforce—including self-employed professionals—eligible for unemployment compensation, sick leave and paid family leave.
- Increase the flexibility of federal programs and funding that support the nutrition needs of young children and families during the public health emergency.
- Ensure Stafford Act and Small Business Association disaster grants are made available to all types of licensed and license-exempt child care providers to meet operating expenses
The letter was endorsed by representatives of the Buffett Early Childhood Fund, First Five Nebraska, Nebraska Early Childhood Collaborative and the Buffett Early Childhood Institute. It was sent to U.S. Senators Deb Fischer and Ben Sasse, and Representatives Jeff Fortenberry, Don Bacon and Adrian Smith.
“We fully recognize that this emergency puts every sector of our society and economy under extreme stress, and that state officials and federal delegates are being asked to address a wide range of concerns during this emergency,” said Jason Prokop, First Five Nebraska director. “In the end, it comes down to people—and whether they’re given the opportunity to work so they can provide for their families and keep our communities, state and nation moving in the right direction. We can’t do that without preserving and strengthening a viable early childhood infrastructure. Child care is going to be essential to our recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.”