The first session of the 107th Nebraska Legislature adjourned sine die May 27. During the scheduled 90-day session, state senators debated and passed critical pieces of legislation, including a biennium budget, a Social Security tax cut and a bill to temporarily...
Tag: nebraska legislature
LB351 seeks to remove unnecessary barriers to increase child care capacity, quality
First Five Nebraska Policy Advisor Adam Feser recently testified before the Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee in support of LB351, Senator Lou Ann Linehan's bill that would make it possible for child care providers changing their license type to retain...
Sara Howard joins FFN
We're happy to announce that former State Senator Sara Howard has joined our staff as Policy Advisor. She joins the policy team after serving eight years in the Nebraska Legislature representing District 9 in midtown Omaha. She was elected to the Omaha Public Power...
Nebraska Legislature convenes its 2021 session
The 107th Nebraska Legislature was gaveled into session yesterday for its 90-day first session. Eight new senators were sworn in and 17 senators took an oath for their second terms. New senators are Raymond Aguilar (District 35), Eliot Bostar (District 29), John...
Nebraska Legislature: 2020 early childhood policy highlights
The 106th Nebraska Legislature adjourned sine die August 13. Here's an overview and summary of bills affecting early childhood policy from this year's session.
Nebraska Legislature reconvenes July 20
The Legislatlure will reconvene July 20 for the final 17 days of this year's session, which was suspended in March due to COVID-19 emergency. Here's a look at what the remainder of the session holds and the status of bills FFN supports.
COVID-19: Nebraska Legislature updates
Stay current on the latest news from state senators.
Nebraska Legislature convenes for 60-day session
The 106th Nebraska Legislature has convened for its short, 60-day session, with April 23 slated as the final day. Many priority issues and carryover bills from last session need to be addressed in this limited time, so it will be a very busy few months.
Fremont shows leadership in how communities can invest in quality child care
Fremont City Council approved a $71,121 Local Option Economic Development Loan to enable an area entrepreneur to launch a business that will help address the workforce needs of a much wider circle of employers in the community. The business? Pearl Academy, an early childhood education and care center.
Highlights of the 2019 Nebraska legislative session
Here's a look at this year's contentious legislative session and updates on bills affecting early childhood, including those that were passed into law and those that will be held over for the 2020 session.
First Five Nebraska testifies on legislative bills affecting early childhood
The 106th Nebraska Legislature is in the eighth week of its 2019 90-day session. Here are updates on six bills First Five Nebraska has testified on this session. They are: LB590, LB266, LB66, LB160, LB459 and LB341.
Nebraska Legislature convenes first session of two-year bienniem
The 106th Nebraska Legislature, First Session, convened its 2019 session this week. The first day, new senators plus re-elected senators were sworn into office and Senator Jim Scheer was re-elected Speaker of the Legislature for the next two years. Senators also elected chair positions for the 14 standing committees, the Executive Board and the Committee on Committees.